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F.'s Stuff

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Mario F.'s Stuff

Post by Code Seven Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:02 pm

ok guys sorry to do this but apparently i'm working at the library and it's not letting me save the documents so i'm going to save it here for safe keeping don't worry i'll lock the topic but this is urgent.

Group names:
Lisa Medina
Francis Canda
Stephanie Montano
Gilbert Corona
Mrs. Juarez, 7th

Objective: You must spread the religion of Islam across the major cities of
The Muslim Community and get back to your selected city first.

Equipment: 16 game pieces, board, Cards

Preparations: Each player choose a color and places their color corresponding traders on their color Start space. Make sure the deck of cards is shuffled and placed on the Sorry game board where it says "Place Pack Here." A player is then picked to begin and game play moves clockwise around the board.

Gameplay: Each player begins his or her turn by drawing a card and moving according to the card they draw. To begin as a trader moving forward, you must draw a 1 or 2. It is against the rules to begin moving with any other card. You may jump over any trader counting that space as a normal space. If your trader lands on an occupied space, you bump that trader back to Start only if that trader is not your own. When a player has no possible moves available, they simply forfeit their turn. If you can move, you must.

If you draw a card that makes you move more than two spaces beyond your own Start space, on your next turn you may move into your own Safety Zone without moving all the way around the board. When the all the cards in the deck are used, shuffle and reuse them.

There are several Slides throughout the game board. The instructions and rules stated that if at any time you land by exact count on a triangle at the beginning of a Slide that is not your own color, slide ahead to the end and Bump (sending them back to Start) any traders that are in your way including your own. If you land on a Slide that is the same color as your trader, don't slide; just stay put on the triangle.

What do the cards mean? The follow is a list of the actions associated with each card during game play:
• 1 - Starts a trader out or moves trader forward 1 space.
• 2 - Starts a trader out or moves one trader forward 2 spaces. Whether you move or cannot move, draw again and move accordingly.
• 3 - Moves one trader forward 3 spaces.
• 4 - Moves one trader backwards 4 spaces.
• 5 - Moves one trader forward 5 spaces.
• 7 - Moves one trader forward 7 spaces or can split the forward move between any two traders. Using this card to start a trader is against the rules. The instructions do state that you can part of the 7 to get a trader Home but that you must be able to use the balance of the move for another trader.
• 8 - Moves one trader forward 8 spaces.
• 10 - Moves one trader forward 10 spaces or moves one trader backwards 1 space.
• 11 - Moves one trader forward 11 spaces or switches any one of your traders with one of any opponent's. You have the option with this card to forfeit your move if you do not want to switch places with someone else or you cannot move forward 11 spaces. Using this card towards any traders that is not on the open track (Start, Safety Zone or Home) is against the rules. If while switching with another player landed you on a triangle at the beginning of another player's slide, you may slide to the end!
• 12 - Moves one trader forward 12 spaces.
• SORRY! - This card allows your to take one trader from your Start and place it on any space that is occupied by any opponent. This bumps that opponent's trader back to its Start. If there is no trader on your Start or no opponent's trader on any space you can move to, you forfeit your move.
Code Seven
Code Seven

Posts : 3825
Age : 27
Location : California
Job/Hobbies : Video Games,some other random stuff
Mood : Camping
Name : Francis C.
Other Site :
Country : F.'s Stuff Flag_u12
Game codes : Brawl: 2493-0096-2123
Joined : 2008-02-09

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