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Gaming Forum
Hi there Guest, welcome to Gaming Forum! Gaming Forum is a nice community where we discuss all sort of things; Gaming, Music, Movies, Anime, Etc. If you are a guest, then you can't really do much...all you can really do is read this message. But if you are a member you can; post in topics, explore all of the forums, reach many ranks, earn points to buy stuff, make some friends, play some arcade games, and MORE! So what are you just doing sitting there? Join Today! Oh and tell your friends.
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Monthly Awards

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Monthly Awards Empty Monthly Awards

Post by bob8972 Sat May 09, 2009 8:20 pm

Every month/year on Gaming Forum, we will have some awards!!!
Like the most active person, active poster, Member of the month/year, best topic, etc.
You get points, and recognition.

Ok look here's all the awards that will be giving out!


These will be determined at the end of each month.
Poster of the Month(POTM)- Will be whoever posted the most during the month, you won't get it for spamming.
Member of the Month(MOTM)- Will be given to the most Valuable member of the month, like MVP, but more like MVM(Most Valuable Member).
Avatar of the Month(AOTM)- Will be given to the most favored user-avatar of the month.
Signature of the Month(SOTM)- Will be given to the most favored user-signature of the month.
Topic of the Month(TOTM)- Will be given to the person who has made the favored topic of the month.
Quote of the Month(QOTM)- Will be given to the most favored quote of the month.
Review of the Month(ROTM)- Will be given to the most favored review of the month.

These will be determined at the end of each year.
Poster of the Year(POTY)- Will be whoever posted the most during the year, you won't get it for spamming.
Member of the Year(MOTY)- Will be given to the most Valuable member of the year.
Avatar of the Year(AOTY)- Will be given to the most favored user-avatar of the year.
Signature of the Year(SOTY)- Will be given to the most favored user-signature of the year.
Topic of the Year(TOTY)- Will be given to the person who has made the favorite topic of the year.
Quote of the Year(QOTY)- Will be given to the most favored quote of the year.
Review of the Year(ROTY)- Will be given to the most favored review of the year.

Vote for the ones you want in the other topics!

If you have an idea for one, then please contact an Admin through PM, thanks.


Posts : 13266
Age : 29
Location : Louisiana
Job/Hobbies : Bagger at a shitty grocery store
Mood : Fearless
Name : James
Country : Monthly Awards Flag_u12
Game codes : XBL Gamertag- FINALLYsomebody
Steam ID:
Joined : 2008-02-08

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