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Heli Attack 3 Cheats

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Heli Attack 3 Cheats Empty Heli Attack 3 Cheats

Post by crazy Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:07 pm

Heli Attack 3

Cheat Codes:
Go to "Players", and then "Cheats". Enter one of the following codes.

Result Code
Unlocks Bow and arrow - John Rambo
Unlocks Chain gun - Old Faithful
Unlocks Sniper rifle - Its a Jackal
Unlocks Double shotgun - This is my boomstick
Unlocks Guided launcher - Follow the leader
Unlocks Drunken launcher - Moonshine
Unlocks GooGun - Gloop
Unlocks SparkPlug - 9 Volt
Unlocks LaserRifle - Alpha
Unlocks Auto laser rifle - Beta
Unlocks LaserShotgun - Gamma
Unlocks Anytime - I dont have time to bleed
Unlocks Airstrike - Call in artillery
Unlocks All Levels - You are the moon master
Unlocks A-Bomb Launcher - Missile launch detected
Unlocks Soundwaave - Bass in your face
Unlocks Canyon Lands - Aint no mountain high enough
Unlocks Underground Lab - Who rides the wrecking ball
Cute message - iopred
Programmer message - DayDream
Unlocks Flak Cannon - Shrapnel
Unlocks Black Hole Generator - Wash away the rain
Unlocks Amazon Jungle - Ive got jungle fever
Unlocks Bladerang - Australians all let us rejoice

Posts : 3333
Age : 25
Location : I like cheese.
Job/Hobbies : Stuff. XD
Mood : Surving the Web
Name : Jude.
Other Site :
Country : Heli Attack 3 Cheats Flag_u12
Game codes : Brawl: 2922-2244-6392
Joined : 2009-02-14

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